Time2HELP 1.0.41 Release NotesMain developments Time2HELP now has the ability to list components in the table of contents. The internal Table of Contents structure has been migrated to an interface based structure instead of a class/object based one to make it possible for (future) addins to access this structure. Overloaded methods are now handled better. Formal parameters to routines/methods are handled differently, and there have been made changes on how methods are matched together in the interface and implementation section. The parameter types for the routines/methods are coded into the Params attribute, and the Params attribute is updated on synchronization with the source file. See Parameter types for methods for more info on the Params attribute. It is now possible to specify the location of the global category file. This version also fixes several bugs, see list below.
- Helpfile splitted into two files, to counter a WinHelp K-Link bug, and because it is otherwise convenient to us.
- Added two new properties to the HTML Help Output Engine:
1. "Enable Full Text Search" - to turn on full text search (enables the 'Search' tab) 2. "Include keywords for properties, methods and events (in main index)"
- Improved: T2H's own help file.
- Added: F1 help links from Inspector-based properties related to output settings, project settings and global configuration.
- Added: F1 help links for tag-names from XML-editor.
- Fix: <a href="idh_glossary#thing">thing</a> got translated into <a href="idh_glossary#thing.htm">thing</a>. Now gets properly translated into <a href="idh_glossary.htm#thing">thing</a>
- Fix: Delphi for .NET unit names in HTML output
- Fix: Delphi 7 units with resourcestrings marked with the 'deprecated' directive now supported.
- Fix: In HTML Help output, when Default Topic Type = 'Custom', an '.htm' extension is now added to Custom Default Topic, if no '.htm' or '.html' extension already present.
- Fix: Problem with handling 'deprecated' directive for routines and methods fixed.
- Modification/Fix: .NET related. Added support for units with qualified/hierarchic names, like 'Borland.Delphi.SysUtils'. Also some modifications as to what is recognized as a valid qualified identifier, now keywords are allowed within (but not at the start) of a qualified identifier, in order to allow identifiers like 'System.Object', 'System.Type' etc.
- Fix: In-topic links (used in topics for overloaded routines/methods), were translated by T2H into a string containing a hcrtf-invalid character (#), meaning hcrtf ignored them. Now another sequence of "magic" characters is used.
- Feature: Added ability to automatically list components (and their properties, methods and events) in Table of Contents.
- Fix: Links to components in library overview were broken. (output template fix)
- Modification/Fix: Types for overrided properties are now included in the output when the property type is found in an ancestor class (typically in a TMyCustomComponent and TMyComponent setting, with publication of properties in the latter, of properties introduced by the former)
- Modification: Handling of formal parameters to routines/methods changed. (This is mostly related to handling of overloading). Changed how methods are matched together in interface and implementation section. Added updating of Params in routines/methods in UnitDoc files.
- Fix: DocComment for first item in the interface section after the unit declaration could in special situations wrongly end up as the DocComment for the unit itself.
- Modification: Migrated internal Table of Contents structures (as well as topic keywords) to an interface based structure instead of a class/object based one. This was to make it possible for (future) addins to access this structure (typically to build custom TOCLinkGenerators).
- Modification: Added possibility to specify location of global category file.
- Fix: Added 'packed' keyword to packed classes. (output template fix).
See version history for details of the changes for previous versons.