Including variables and fields

Time2HELP 1.0 does not support including variables/fields (in classes) in the output, it will be supported in a future version.

To be prepared for when T2H supports it, you can document the variables/fields, but you must make sure the first item which today is included in the output must have a DocComment, else it will "inherit" the one for the previous documented field:

type A = class(B)
    FC: integer;
    {: doccomment on D }
    D: integer;
    property C: integer;

In the above, C will (incorrectly) get the DocComment for D.

If you make sure C is documented:

type A = class(B)
    FC: integer;
    {: doccomment on D }
    D: integer;
    {: doccomment on C }
    property C: integer;

Then the DocComment for D won't turn up anywhere in T2H 1.0, but will turn up correctly when DocComments on variables/fiels are supported.

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