Include images in the help file

Use the <Img> tag to include an image in the help file (or other output format). Put your images (.BMP, or .GIF or .PNG or .JPEG (one suffices) in the project's \images subdirectory. (Subdirectory to where your .T2HProject file resides). Subdirectories below the various outputs will be created by T2H as necessary.

The images will be converted by Time2HELP to the appropriate image format depending on output format (and put in the appropriate \images subdirectories).

To get an image "MyImage.bmp" included, you write <Img Src="MyImage"> (no extension, and no path!).

Do not include path information or extension. The images must reside in the directory "images" in the same directory as the Project file. You should not directly access the \images subdirectories of the various outputs, these are output directories only.

PNG or GIF in HTML Output?
In the PlainHTML and HTMLHelp output engine settings, you can tell whether you want to "UsePNG" or not. (PNG = Portable Network Graphics, although many prefer: "PNG is Not GIF".) If this option is checked, .bmp images are converted into PNG files instead of GIF. PNG is a technically better format than GIF and you don't need lawyers to use it. Unfortunately, the major browsers have been somewhat slow in supporting PNG, so users need a modern browser to view it.
Time2HELP currently never deletes anything from the \images subdirectory below the various outputs, so once in a while you probably want to delete the contents of these in order to get rid of old stuff (but do NOT delete your main \images directory!)

Component Images
In the Project treeview, use the Delphi Component Images page to set the .dcr files T2H should extract component images from. Typically you can simply press "Scan Project for DCR Files" to get T2H to find all the relevant .dcr files for you. Time2HELP does this by checking for .dcr files with the same filestem as any .pas file in the project. For a given class, if there exists a component image for it (in any .dcr file) T2H includes it in the output.

HTML generated by Time2HELP